September 23, 2018 Twenty Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Homily
The question ‘Who do you say I am?’ was correctly answered by Peter last week. Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit he stated: You are the Christ. Jesus immediately orders them, and orders them strictly, not to tell anyone about him because another important question remains unanswered, ‘What is...
September 16, 2018 Twenty Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Homily
In many situations asking the right question is critically important… but coming up with the right question at the right time is an art. If a scientist doesn’t ask the right question he or she will follow paths that do not lead to solving a problem that confronts them. If...
September 9, 2018 Twenty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Homily
We have a Gospel today that calls our attention – not just for the miracle, but the way Jesus accomplishes it. He heals a deaf man, but not by a simple word or touch. He takes the man apart from the crowd, places his finger in the ears, touches his...
September 2, 2018 Twenty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Homily
The readings today take us back to the way God intended to work with his people. He called them together as a people and gave them the gift of his law. The law is a wisdom God shared with his people. It finds its fullness in the Ten Commandments, which...
August 26, 2018 Twenty First Sunday in Ordinary Time Homily
Today’s readings prompt me to share some thoughts with you about choices, decisions, and commitments. Each and every day we consider choices presented to us, and then we make our decisions. There comes a moment when our consideration ends and we raise a choice to the level of our wills,...