May 3, 2020 Bulletin
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What a disturbing Gospel we have just heard! Jesus, the Light of the world, comes across a blind man whose eyes cannot see the light. He heals him; he opens his eyes not only to the light of the sun but to the light of faith. Almost immediately Jesus and...
Today the curtains open on a well, a particularly good well, full of cool, clear, drinkable water – Jacob’s well. At the well Jesus. Tired by the journey he sits straight down by the well. It was about noon. A Samaritan woman comes to the well. She has come to...
Today’s First Reading from the Book of Genesis involved the Divine calling of Abraham to become the spiritual father of the people of God. The appearance of Abraham in history marked a new era. God intervened in the course of history, reshaping its future to embrace His Divine Plan of...
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At the beginning of Lent we are summoned to take a serious look at how we conduct our lives. Are we committing the “original sin” of pushing God aside or out of our lives completely? Is He a low priority in our lives and therefore no priority at all? Lent...
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Saint Paul in our second reading today uses a wonderful image to show us that God is building us up into a worthy dwelling place for him to live in us. But he says that we are not being formed into any old home for God,…… “We are invited to...
When a pre-schooler touches something hot, he learns that it burns. If he climbs on a chair or up the stairs, he learns that he can fall down. Most children do fall and bump their little head. In child development, the child progressively learns by natural instinct how to use...