May 26, 2018 Holy Trinity Sunday

Before we can look at the question of the Blessed Trinity we have to decide for ourselves whether we believe or not there is a God. Most people believe in one, even if that God is themselves. The Jews, of course, believe in a God. He is the God of...

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May 20, 2018 Pentecost Sunday

Pentecost means fifty – seven weeks plus one day – fifty days after Easter. The Jews called it Shavuot, the Feast of Weeks, the feast of the Harvest, or the feast of the First Fruits. Whatever way we look at this feast it denotes the end of a period of...

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May 13, 2018 Feast of the Ascension Sunday

The Bible is divided into the time before Jesus, the time of Jesus, and the time between Jesus and the final restoration of the reign of heaven.  The communities described in Acts, and us too, are all lodged in this third period of time.   The Acts of the Apostles is...

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May 6, 2018 Sixth Sunday of Easter

Every mature Christian comes to a point in life when he realizes that none of the things he really desires are within his own reach. And what’s more, he comes to understand that the things he can achieve are not the things he really wants, or at least, not the things...

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April 29, 2018 Fifth Sunday of Easter

The gospel we have just read describes communion; in fact, it insists on communion. Firstly, what is communion? Communion is the oneness of love in which God lives in himself as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Our God is not a lonely God; he is three divine persons in one...

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April 22, 2018 Fourth Sunday of Easter Homily

The Holy Father is the shepherd of the universal Church. Every bishop is the shepherd of his diocese. Every parish priest is the shepherd of his parish. Parents are the shepherds of their children. Being a shepherd is not easy; being a good shepherd is even more difficult. There are...

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