October 28, 2018 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Homily
In today’s gospel account we find Jesus at the threshold of Jerusalem. He was about to climb on a donkey and ride into Jerusalem, an event we celebrate every Palm Sunday. Bar-Timaeus, the son of Timaeus, a blind beggar, was sitting begging along the way. We don’t know for how...
October 21, 2018 Twenty Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Homily
In the Gospel we hear today – as we have been hearing these past few weeks – a story of Disciples behaving badly, of Disciples not getting it, of Disciples missing the point that seems so obvious to us who listen with well trained ears. Can you believe it? These...
October 14, 2018 Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Homily
A rich young man who had the best the world could offer – wealth and security – came to Jesus because he lacked one thing (Mark 10:17-27). There was something essential, something in his heart, that material wealth couldn’t satisfy. He had many possessions, but he didn’t have “eternal life”;...
October 7, 2018 Twenty Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Homily
As I read this Sunday’s gospel, I wondered how divorced people feel to hear what Jesus is saying. It’s no secret that all of our communities are made up of people who have for one reason or another, divorced or annulled their marriage. In many cases these people have remarried. ...
September 30, 2018 Twenty Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Homily
In today’s gospel Jesus’ follows his dreadful parable about scandal in the Church and millstones around the neck with a thoroughly rational but breathtakingly radical teaching, “Cut it off!” Too often I see in the hospital men with red, swollen feet, and blackened toes. Obesity, alcohol, diabetes and tobacco, take...