April 14, 2019 Palm Sunday Homily

In today’s world there is suffering everywhere, especially on our TV screens, and we have learned to close our senses to most of it. Our hearts remain unmoved by all but the tiny proportion, which occasionally manages to get under our guard. Isaiah, the prophet, on the other hand, describes...

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April 7, 2019 Fifth Sunday of Lent Homily

Who remembers last Sunday’s Gospel? Of course, you do, it was the parable of the prodigal son. This week’s Gospel is remarkably similar, the story of a woman caught in the act of adultery. Each Gospel presents a sinner – a bad sinner. A son who insults his father by...

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March 31, 2019 Fourth Sunday of Lent Homily

The Gospel reading this week includes one of Jesus’ greatest parables.  It contains many themes and images that represent what this season of Lent is all about. That of “hope, mercy and love.” The Parable of the Prodigal Son opens with “tax collectors and sinners were all drawing near to...

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March 24, 2019 Third Sunday of Lent Homily

In our newspapers we read of disasters and watch catastrophes on television. And we deal with painful tragedies in the lives of our friends and loved ones, and ask: “Where is God?”, “How can God allow these things to go on?” It is implicitly the question put to Jesus in...

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March 17, 2019 Second Sunday of Lent Homily

What a grace for Peter and James and John to see Jesus transfigured. They got a preview of the glory of Jesus risen from the dead and his glory in heaven. It was also a preview of the glory we all hope to share in heaven. It was not the...

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