October 20, 2019 Twenty Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Homily
Jesus tells a story that is all too true – a defenseless widow is taken advantaged of and refused her rights. There are two characters in Jesus’ parable: they are complete opposites. First, there is the judge, “neither feared God nor respected any human being.” He took no responsibility for...
October 13, 2019 Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Homily
Gratitude is like a rare flower found in a wintry landscape. Our human nature tends to take for granted favors and gifts, especially those that come from God. An Israelite slave girl belonging to Naaman, a Syrian official who had contracted leprosy, told her master about the prophet of...
October 6, 2019 Twenty Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time Homily
Faith. This is a word that we throw around a lot in religion. But what does it mean? Before we look at today’s readings, let’s perhaps review its meaning. Faith is about the future. It is about belief, and it is about trust and loyalty. If we look at faith...
September 29, 2019 Twenty Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Homily
It is no sin to be rich, even though Jesus did say that the rich would have a harder time getting into heaven than the rest of us would. But there’s no virtue in being poor either, even if Jesus once did call the poor “blessed.” Today’s Gospel story helps...
September 22, 2019 Twenty Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time Homily
The Gospel passage you’ve just heard is a part of a series of parables dealing with spiritual crises that are generated when we misuse our possessions, when we end up being possessed by our possessions. The lesson today involves, as you all know, the devious and clever wicked steward who...