February 9, 2020 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

In the Gospels of previous Sundays we have been following the story of Jesus’ early career.  He went to be baptized.  Then, when he heard that John the Baptist had been murdered, he moved from Galilee to Capernaum.  Here He chose his apostles.  And last Sunday we reminisced about his...

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February 2, 2020 The Presentation of the Lord

Forty days after Christmas, we celebrate the Lord who enters the Temple and comes to encounter his people. In the Christian East, this feast is called the “Feast of Encounter”: it is the encounter between God, who became a child to bring newness to our world, and an expectant humanity,...

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January 26, 2020 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

In our Gospel reading today we hear about the call of the very first disciples right at the beginning of Jesus’ ministry—first Simon Peter and Andrew then James and John. You might think that these very first disciples were a bit simple. While they are busy working at their everyday...

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January 19, 2020 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Today we begin what the liturgical calendar describes as Tempus Per Annum which, literally translated, means Time Through The Year. In other words, the time of the year which is not taken up with some special celebration like Advent, Lent, or Easter. The English rendering of Tempus per Annum is...

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