March 28, 2021 Palm Sunday/Passion of the Lord

It’s a curious thing that today’s feast has two names – Palm Sunday and Passion Sunday – two names which, probably unintentionally, underline these two aspects of every human life, the giving and the giving back, the palms and the passion. Jesus’ welcome into the city of Jerusalem is a...

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March 21, 2021 Fifth Sunday of Lent

I would like to share two stories with you.  I received a phone call from a local funeral director. Could I do him and a grieving family a big favor, he asked. A priest was requested for a committal service at a local cemetery. Would I be able to meet...

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March 14, 2021 Fourth Sunday of Lent

The fourth Sunday of Lent is called “Laetare” Sunday in Latin  it means “rejoice!” In the middle of the serious season of lent the Church invites us to rejoice. Why does the church invite us in the season of Lent to rejoice? A wonderful story that took place in Mainz,...

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March 7, 2021 Third Sunday of Lent

Recently, I saw a picture on Facebook of a scene from today’s Gospel. Christ is there, holding a whip in his hand, tables all over the floor, expelling people from the Temple. And around the image, someone had added the comment that if people ever ask you “What would Jesus...

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February 28, 2021 Second Sunday of Lent

When Father Richard Leonard S.J, wrote his famous book, “Where the Hell is God?” he begins by telling us the tragic story of his sister Tracey becoming a paraplegic, following a vehicle accident. In an attempt to comfort him, some person suggested that God might be testing his faith during...

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