I was born and raised in Bilgoraj, Poland and grew up in a Catholic family with six children.
I attended the Catholic University of Lublin, where I studied theology. After six years of study, I graduated with a Masters degree in Moral Theology and was ordained to the priesthood for the Diocese of Zamojsko-Lubaczowska.
I spent my first three years of priesthood as an Associate Pastor in
Tomaszow Lubelski.
Later, I went back to the Catholic University of Lublin to study Pastoral Theology for my postgraduate degree.
I came to the US as a one year study grant recipient from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops to study English at Rutgers State University in Newark, NJ (1999-2000).
After graduation, I went back to Poland and worked as an Associate Pastor at Our Lady Queen of Poland in Zamosc and in the Chancery office. For eight years I was the Director of the Office of Pastoral Care of the Catholic Families in the Diocese of Zamojsko-Lubaczowska. I was a Pastor in Udrycze 2001-2007, and in Moniatycze 2007-2008.
In 2008 I came to the Diocese of Helena in Montana, USA. My first ten months were in an East Helena parish as Associate Pastor with Fr. Tom O’Donnell. It was a very good time for me to learn about the Diocese, attend Diocesan events and work alongside Fr.Tom. In 2009 I was assigned as an Administrator for Conrad, Dutton and Power on the Hi-Line. It was a very special time for me because for the first time in my life I was a pastor in The United States in charge of a Parish and two mission churches. It was a wonderful time with wonderful people.
I arrived at Risen Christ in Kalispell on August 15, 2012 on the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. I celebrated my first Mass at 6 pm.
I have a sister who is an American citizen. She lives in Illinois with her husband and two children.
I have many interests which include biology and physics. I also play soccer, volleyball, weight lift and do MMA.
I’m happy and privileged to serve the Catholic Community of Risen Christ in Kalispell as a Pastor, priest and friend. I hope you enjoy me as much as I enjoy you and being a part of our parish family.
Phone: 406.752.4219 ext. 2