July 16,2017 Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Homily

We are advised to take care of our heart, to watch our diet, to exercise, to undergo cardiovascular screening. But there is another heart, our spiritual heart. Jesus spoke often about our spiritual heart. Let us listen to some of what Jesus said about our heart: This people honors me...

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July 9, 2017 Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Homily

The simplest truths are, sometimes, the deepest truths. Because such truths seem so simple and too familiar, sometimes, we take them for granted. In today’s Gospel Reading, we have such truths, with Jesus saying: “Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will...

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July 2, 2017, Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Homily

It appears that summer has finally arrived in the Flathead Valley! And with that comes warmer temperatures, sunny days, and visitors. It is a season of patience with increased traffic, longer lines, and waiting. It is easy to forget that the beauty we appreciate belongs to everybody, not just those...

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June 25, 2017 Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time Homily

A martyr is one who gives his life for Christ and his Church. In every age the Church has brought forth many martyrs – men, women, and children – who surrendered their lives rather than deny the Master. These Christians chose to accept being thrown to the lions, crucified, beheaded,...

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June 11, 2017 Trinity Homily

The Blessed Trinity is the central mystery and doctrine of the Christian Faith. In fact, it is more than a doctrine, which simply means teaching or belief; it is a dogma, a truth revealed by God, which must be believed by the faithful if they are to consider themselves Christian...

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