January 21, 2018 Third Sunday in Ordinary Time Homily
During today’s First Reading from the Book of Jonah, we heard how Jonah answered God’s calling. Jonah was called by God and told to get up and to go to Nineveh, that great city, where he was to proclaim the message of the Lord. In obedience to the Lord God,...
January 14, 2018 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time Homily
The theme of the readings this week and this weekend is crystal clear: God calls us. If we had ears we would hear God calling all day long. He calls adults, children, sick people, people at work, people on holidays, sinful people, holy people. God never stops calling – all...
January 7, 2018 Epiphany of the Lord
Today is the true Christmas for Eastern Catholics – those from the Byzantine and Maronite rites, among others. For them, this feast is about Christ’s birth, baptism and presentation to the world. The Western church uses this feast to continue the story from the announcement of Christ’s birth, first to...
December 31, 2017 Holy Family Homily
The feast of the Holy Family we celebrate today is actually a part of the celebration of the Incarnation of Jesus. The Savior took flesh of the Virgin Mary by the power of the Holy Spirit and even though this miracle bypassed natural means of conception it could not bypass...