April 15, 2018 Third Sunday of Easter Homily

The question of the existence of God is fundamental to the human journey. It used to be a question taken for granted: of course God exists! Men and women in past ages from every nation on the earth have raised their heads to a supreme being. They gave expression to...

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April 8, 2018 Divine Mercy Sunday Homily

What must it have felt like to be there on that first Easter morn?  Imagine yourself a disciple.  You awaken, still aching with the emptiness that comes after the death of a beloved friend.  Jesus is gone.  You ask yourself how you will live without Him.  You might think of all the words...

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April 1, 2018 Easter Sunday Homily

After the numbing senselessness and cruelty of Friday afternoon and the bleak despair of the day and night which followed we come to the experience of Sunday morning – when life, unexpectedly, once again takes on meaning. Although the tomb is empty this is no proof that Christ is risen....

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March 31, 2018 Holy Saturday Vigil Homily

It is Easter – the end of another long Lent.  But it isn’t the end.  Lent stirs up anticipation for Easter and we have arrived.  Where and how do we find ourselves?  Is it a new beginning for us?  No matter how many times we have celebrated Easter it is...

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March 30, 2018 Good Friday Homily

Today, we sit here in this church and we are saddened.  Saddened by our Savior being put to death.  Crucified on a tree.  A cross at Calvary.  By Him hanging on the Cross, He gave up everything.  Everything.  While we are sad, we also need to realize that it is...

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March 29, 2018 Holy Thursday Homily

The institution of the Eucharist and of the priesthood took place at the Last Supper. It took place within the context of a Passover meal about which we just read in the First Reading. This meal commemorated the core experience of the people of Israel, their deliverance from slavery in...

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March 25, 2018 Palm Sunday Reflection

Was there something that struck you in the face, in the heart, or in the guts as you listened to the Passion reading today? Was it the cunning malice of the chief priests and scribes who were seeking by some trick to kill Jesus? Was it the touching scene of...

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