May 19, 2019 Fifth Sunday of Easter Homily
It’s good to observe people in church before Mass as you come in. You drive your car, you walk in. You smile and greet one another. Many of you are known. Some are visitors – from interesting places, even overseas, and from other states of the United States. You come in...
May 12, 2019 Fourth Sunday of Easter Homily
The Holy Father is the shepherd of the universal Church. Every bishop is the shepherd of his diocese. Every parish priest is the shepherd of his parish. Parents are the shepherds of their children. Being a shepherd is not easy; being a good shepherd is even more difficult. There are...
May 5, 2019 Third Sunday of Easter Homily
Some people refer to the gospel story we just heard, Jesus’ conversation with Peter by the Sea of Tiberias, as Peter’s Conversion. Others call it Peter’s Confession. Peter’s Confession is appropriate whether we understand confession to mean a declaration of faith or an admission of guilt. It is easy to...
April 28, 2019 Second Sunday of Easter Homily
The prayer Jesus I trust in you is the heart of the Divine Mercy devotion. The mercy of God is our only hope – and every day, as we walk the various paths of life, we learn to whisper over and over again, deep down in our hearts: Jesus, I...
April 21, 2019 Easter Sunday Homily
When Adam and Eve turned from God they turned also from their own inner self as well as from each other. We could say they found themselves in dis-grace. Their destiny to return to God could now no longer be accomplished. They, and we, were doomed to live in a...