September 1, 2019, Twenty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time
The science class was discussing about whales. The teacher pointed out that this large creature has a very small throat that would make it physically impossible to swallow a human. But one boy objected: “But according to the Bible, Jonah was swallowed by a whale!” The teacher dismissed the comment...
August 25, 2019 Twenty first Sunday in Ordinary Time
Jesus was a great traveler, always on the move. What drove him was the Gospel, the Good News of the Kingdom. Somehow it was a burden to him that there were people who had not yet heard it and so he kept moving: Through towns and villages he went …...
August 18, 2019 Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Homily
During today’s First Reading, we heard how Jeremiah was mistreated by the king and his officials. These persons of authority did not appreciate hearing the Word of God that was being prophesied through the mouth of Jeremiah. While it cannot be denied that Jeremiah was delivering bad news, such was...
August 11, 2019 Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Homily
Jesus said, “Be like those who are waiting for their master to return.” [Lk. 12:36] In this command, we find the beautiful virtues of faith and patience. In the past there was a city in United States where at one time, ten percent of working fathers were truck drivers. Those...
August 4, 2019 Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Homily
“Vanity of vanities! All things are vanity”! Today begin with our First Reading from the Book of Ecclesiastes in which the Prophet declares that all is vanity. What is the definition of “vanity”? Webster’s dictionary says it means “pride”. The original meaning of “vanity” as used in the readings: “an...
July 28, 2019 Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Homily
Last week, when Jesus came to visit Martha and Mary, Martha made a choice; she went to the kitchen. Mary, too, made a choice: She sat down at the Lord’s feet and listened to him speaking. Jesus pointed out to Martha that Mary had made the ‘better choice’. Martha set...