June 9, 2019 Pentecost Sunday Homily

Today we end the Easter season.  The Easter candle which has been burning since Easter to remind us of the light that has come into the world, will be set aside and used only of there is a baptism or funeral. Next week we continue what is called “Ordinary Time’...

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June 2, 2019 Ascension Sunday Homily

During the Easter season we have focused on Jesus’ two-step plan: faith and action.  In the Gospel we see how faith guides action.  This can be seen in the longest recorded prayer of Jesus in the Gospel of John.  Jesus prayed this aloud at his last supper meal with his...

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May 26, 2019 Sixth Sunday of Easter Homily

All of us have had to face moments of departure and loss. Was it when we were desperately in love and then the one we loved left us? Was it when we graduated from school and then suffered separation from our dear friends? Was it when a spouse or a...

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May 19, 2019 Fifth Sunday of Easter Homily

It’s good to observe people in church before Mass as you come in. You drive your car, you walk in. You smile and greet one another. Many of you are known. Some are visitors – from interesting places, even overseas, and from other states of the United States. You come in...

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May 12, 2019 Fourth Sunday of Easter Homily

The Holy Father is the shepherd of the universal Church. Every bishop is the shepherd of his diocese. Every parish priest is the shepherd of his parish. Parents are the shepherds of their children. Being a shepherd is not easy; being a good shepherd is even more difficult. There are...

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May 5, 2019 Third Sunday of Easter Homily

Some people refer to the gospel story we just heard, Jesus’ conversation with Peter by the Sea of Tiberias, as Peter’s Conversion. Others call it Peter’s Confession. Peter’s Confession is appropriate whether we understand confession to mean a declaration of faith or an admission of guilt. It is easy to...

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