January 12, 2020 The Baptism of the Lord

The Baptism of the Lord Homily   Today, we solemnly celebrate the feast of “The Baptism of the Lord.” Till yesterday, we celebrated an ‘infant Jesus.’ From today, we celebrate an ‘adult Jesus.’ This is why today’s celebration marks the transition from the liturgical season of Christmas into the liturgical season...

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January 5, 2020 The Epiphany of the Lord

  The Feast of the Epiphany is the oldest feast in the Liturgical Calendar after Easter and Pentecost.  Epiphany was celebrated long before even Christmas itself came to be regarded as a feast. The word Epiphany literally means “manifestation” and refers to the appearance or making known of Christ.  In...

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January 1, 2020 Mary, Mother of God Sunday

What is a good homily? You’ve listened to hundreds, maybe thousands, of them; what is a good homily? Here are some answers I imagine you might give. A good homily is: short, interesting, instructive, entertaining, relevant to life, based on scripture, helpful…all of the above. From my perspective a good...

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December 29, 2019 Holy Family Sunday

What is a good homily? You’ve listened to hundreds, maybe thousands, of them; what is a good homily? Here are some answers I imagine you might give. A good homily is: short, interesting, instructive, entertaining, relevant to life, based on scripture, helpful…all of the above. From my perspective a good...

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December 24th & 25th Christmas Eve & Christmas

Tonight we join with Christians of all denominations in celebrating the extraordinary event, which happened over 2000 years ago – the entry of God himself into human history in the person of the Infant Jesus. For a Christian there is tonight no tinsel, no glitter; there are no fairy lights...

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December 22, 2019 Fourth Sunday of Advent

This 4th Sunday of Advent is symbolic.  Today’s liturgy looks toward the coming of Christ at Christmas.    We see the fulfillment of God’s unfolding plan of redemption in the events leading up to the Incarnation, the birth of the Messiah King.  Today we celebrate the new era of salvation which begins...

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