Council Ministries
Pastoral Council
Your Pastoral Council is always interested in your concerns. Take your questions about the future of the parish, your hopes and needs, to a Pastoral Council member:
Ken Barrett, 406-755-0269, Rose Hall, 406-885-0544, Jovita Kottraba, 406-232-8461, Jamie Miller, 406-955-8226, Judy Stack, 406-752-4411
Finance Council
Our Finance Council members are:
Ken Barrett
Peg Gebhardt
Christopher Gill
John Gunnerson
Lee Walbruch
Knights of Columbus
James Kuechmann
Liturgical Ministry
Deacon Floyd McCubbins
Pati Heath
Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW)
Tammy Newton
Art and Environment
Pati Heath
Music Ministry
Maryruth Fallon
Rose Hall
Funeral Luncheon – Margarite Bauer
Ladies Luncheon – Margarite Bauer
Rummage Sale – Helen Tobiason
Prayer Line
Sherry Miller
Adult Formation
Paul and Pati Heath
Deacon Floyd McCubbins
Social Justice
Holiday Baskets
Julie Berquist
Religious Formation K-6
Helen Tobiason
Religious Formation 7-12
Grounds and Maintenance